Thursday, April 5, 2012

WTA45 'Kira Kira' (brown) Lenses Review

I know I did a brief review on these lenses a while back, but I thought they were a bit short so I decided to do a more detailed review on them.

Here they are under natural light:

I have to say, I love this pair of lenses! They blend well with the natural color of my eyes, giving them a very natural look with the enlarging effect. As mentioned before though, I am not comfortable with lenses, so my eyes get veeeeeeery sleepy after about two hours or so. I don't know if that happens with anyone else. lol. So for comfort's sake, I don't use it very often. Maybe once every month. 

And these photos show how they look like under normal lighting:

Normal eyes ^ (sorry my eyes look so worn out)

Annnnd with circle lenses on. Not much of a difference save for the size. Neat, eh? 

 Overall, I really, really LOVE these lenses. They are so natural-looking and so enlarging. /please Comfort, of course, is still 50/50 for me. But I guess that's just between my eyes and I. haha. I would recommend this if you have naturally brown eyes and you just want that enlarging effect without those unnatural-looking designs. Of course, they have a variety of colors to choose from, so again, if you just want the enlarging effect without compromising the natural beauty of your eyes, go for this design. I highly recommend it. /blush

New Start!

Typical Filipino room with an electric fan, wooden sliding windows, and wooden flooring

Yesterday I decided to clean my room.

BUT WAIT! There's more. ;)

What's better is that I cleaned for a total of 7 hours (4 hours, break, then 3 hours) without sleep and without food. LOL. Isn't that just awesome?

No. I was just feeling miserable so I think I decided to punish myself. Masochist, eh? But still, at least it was a productive misery, right? ha ha. Well, it didn't start off as punishment, but it certainly became one. I mean, 7 hours? C'mon. You're probably thinking I could've cleaned the whole house with that amount of time. Well, my room has been uninhabited for about a year now, and my room has experienced no cleaning -- and I do mean NO cleaning whatsoever in that span of time. Any kind of cleaning at all? Naught. Not even arranging things. It just became a sort of dressing room for me.

Anyway, now that you know I'm a slob, here are some photos a day after major cleaning day:

Too bad I didn't take a 'before' picture. I swear, without any exaggerations, that you would not recognize it as a room by a girl (but the pink walls are a give-away). You'd think it was a warehouse with the mountain of clothes and bags on the bed and on the floor, shoes just tossed aside after use.You get the picture /dignose

I don't really name my stuffed toys (except this one teddy bear that has been with my since babyhood. I named him Nathan), didn't know where to put these, so this white tiger stuffed toy was wearing Tootsie's cone of shame and my two wacky headbands. 

YES, INDEED! (I hope)

One of my favorite authors -- Philippa Gregory! I've read all her Tudor novels and her The Cousins' War novels. I actually read some books of hers in this Powerbooks branch entirely free! /wahaha Others I've read in PDF format, so I didn't buy them anymore. Although if I do get a job, I plan on buying all her books though I have already read them

Already discarded some clothes that I wasn't using, a LOT are in the laundry basket, yet I still couldn't fit  them all inside my closet. So, why do I ALWAYS have nothing to wear when going out?? O_O

My growing collection of novels. Incomplete 'cause I couldn't find the others.  Started liking novels around freshman or sophomore year in college hence, my writing has improved since then. I am now an official fan of books (especially historical ones). I have a small book collection, but I've finished a lot of books at Powerbooks for free (LOL) and have read more in PDF format. I so want a private library when I get rich.

And what do you know? I found a LOT of interesting things in my pile of stuff. It was like a blast from the past!

Me and my best bud's final project for our Humanities course.  Prof was so mad at us when we tried to boycott her class 'cause we thought it was already free cut (also got the go signal from our block rep) And it was me, my best friend, and our other friend who ran into her. A lot of our block mates already left. As we were about to go down the stairs, the elevator doors opened and there was our professor. She looked at the bags we were carrying and with a baffled look, questioned us as to where we were going. We were stunned in our place. It was so terrifying especially for a freshman. We felt like we were in a horror movie of some sort. LOL. She was oozing with anger when she called everyone back. But on hindsight, it was pretty hilarious. /nobigdeal

Good time, good times.

Historical fiction & non-fiction books area :]

By the end of the day, I was sore ALL OVER. Carrying thick high school books, piles of clothes, and everything else are no walk in the park. I appreciate our house help more now. -_- I wonder if anyone else's room is as messy as mine was? LOL