Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fooooood, glorious food!

Last week, my dad and I went to the Department of Foreign Affairs to get me a passport. Yes, I am nineteen and I just had my passport last week. There was such a long line and when I got to the counter so they could process the papers I had, the lady told me that my birth certificate wasn't acceptable because there were a lot of erasures and such. She said that if we could provide a clearer birth certificate then we could go straight to the counter and not wait in the long line, so my dad decided to drive all the way back home (which is such a long way away) to get the needed papers. I decided to stay behind and just wait. It took all of 3 hours I think and all I did was sit and wait and listen to the music and play some games on my phone. Finally, dad came back. When we went to the counter, the lady didn't even keep it. She just took a glance at it! WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE CLEARER BIRTH CERTIFICATE IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO GLANCE AT IT AND NOT EVEN KEEP IT FOR RECORD'S SAKE??


Anyway, at least we were able to finish it. After that we went into the nearest place with restaurants and I picked  a cozy-looking Japanese restaurant. "Yasheba" was the name of the resto, I think (I can't remember. drats! >.<)

When we went inside, no one -- absolutely NO ONE (except the staff) were inside. It was a nice-looking restaurant, not exactly shabby, so I was wondering why there was no one. Maybe the food or the service wasn't too good? Well, I was about to find out. For sure though, the airconditioner wasn't turned on when we got inside. Maybe it was because there was no customer. Good thing they turned it on for us.

Didn't take a picture of the menu, but here is what I ordered. he he he

Gigantor Omu-rice! mwa ha ha ha ha! 
But seriously though, it was SO huge, even for my standards! But it was y u m m y. <3

My dad ordered a Bento Special for him. I forgot what was on it, but I do remember there were croquettes. They were okay. :) Ordered some California Maki and Tamago Sushi as well. I've never tasted Tamago Sushi before, and now they are my FAVORITE. (aside from the california maki. hihi)

About 20 minutes into the meal, I was still just only halfway through. That was unprecedented for me, but maybe it was because, hm. How can I put it? Let's just say the tank was too full and needed some good...releasing first. LOL. 

So in the end I couldn't eat it all and had it wrapped so I could bring it home. All in all it was a good eat. The service was good, and it wasn't hot in the place. So, I'd give this place maybe a 3 or 3.5. If I go back there again I will be sure to catch the name of the shop. ^.^v


  1. hmm :"> this sounds good, yay for your upcoming passport, lets travel one day ;) YAHOO FOR THE GOOD FOOD
