Friday, November 4, 2011

Crepe à la Pizza

I was hungry, so I was rummaging through the refrigerator and the pantry to look for ingredients I can use for something. Since the basic ingredients were present, I decided to make crepes with Nutella. Long story short, it didn't turn out good (the crepe was too.... eggy, I guess) so I decided to scrap it. But then, my conscience got to me and I thought it would be kind of a waste to just throw it away, so I sniffed through the kitchen again for what I can use for maybe a savory crepe. There was tomato sauce, garlic, onion, cheese, no ground beef or pork but there was hotdog, so I decided to make a sort of pizza crepe. It was an experiment, so I didn't really know how it'll turn out. But, to save you the expense, it turned out pretty good, fortunately. So for those of you who are willing to try this crazy food experiment with minimal ingredients, here is the recipe:

1 pack tomato sauce
half a small onion, minced
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
3 hotdogs, diced
1 teaspoon brown sugar
salt, pepper, and a bit of garlic powder to taste

For the sauce:
In a sauce pan, fry the minced onion and garlic with a bit of vegetable oil (or extra virgin olive oil if you have) till you can really smell the aroma wafting through the air. Then add the hotdogs and fry till cooked. After about a minute, add the tomato sauce with the salt, pepper, and garlic powder and stir. Add a bit of sugar to thin out the sharp taste of the tomato sauce. Simmer for a bit and it's ready!

Crepe a la pizza:
Spread the sauce onto the crepe, add some cheese, (you can add some pineapple tidbits but this is optional), wrap the crepe around, and put it in the microwave or oven toaster to melt the cheese (poke some holes in the wrap). Take it out, and enjoy!

tried to put in a little bit of presentation. FAIL.

FYI, I also call this the "Evil Genius" crepes since I wasted nothing and invented something very, very edible all on my own with a food-scrap and very few ingredients. mwa ha ha ha! (yes, I'm exaggerating)

Also, you can add or substitute some ingredients in this recipe. I don't think you can substitute the tomato sauce, though. But you can add certain ingredients like mushrooms, parmesan, mozarrella, pepperoni, green pepper -- basically anything you would normally put on a pizza. Or just about anything you can think of. You can be inventive with this, go ahead! The ingredients I used in this recipe just calls for a hungry stomach and good old recession. ;)

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