Monday, October 10, 2011

Bippity Boppity Boo! (Day One)

Will everyone please welcome the newest addition to our family?

Tadaaaaa!!! Ain't she the cutest? Her name's Bip, short for 'Bipod'  because of, well, as you can see from the photos, she has no front legs. She's staying with me for a 5-day trial adoption to see if we can handle her special needs and her, ahem, 'strong' personality. Now before you go "awwww" with pity over this cutie, think again. 

Behind that sweet, angelic face and tiny body lies a daredevil and, well, a devil. Ha ha. She is a feisty critter and will bark at other dogs no matter the size! In her foster home before, her foster mom had another foster dog bigger and older than her, albeit very very submissive. The moment she stepped into the threshold, she immediately owned the place, going first to the resident dog's toys. The older dog sniffed her, and she returned a growl in return. Frico (the older dog) has been cowering in fear of her ever since.

Now she is in my care for five days to see if our family, house, and overall environment are compatible with Bip's personality and needs. As mentioned before, she has quite a bit of a personality. As far as she's concerned, she's normal. (In fact, I think she thinks of herself as MORE than normal -- she's awesome.) Well, I actually just got her a while ago from her foster parent. I brought our dog, Tootsie (a  Mal-shi) to the place so they can meet in neutral grounds. Bip was actually shy and very reluctant at the lobby of the condo. I let her sniff Tootsie's derriere and vice versa. Then after a bit, we were off. 

Newly carpeted floor in the room
She didn't exactly own the house like she did with her first foster. She sniffed her way around her home for the next five days. She had quite a bit of a hard time moving about because she either uses her snout and her 'chicken wing' to hobble about or just hops in her two hind legs (she prefers the former because it's easier for her. Not recommended though 'cause she can damage those in the future) and she had a hard time doing so in our linoleum floors. So I put a carpet on the room where she frequently is. Whilst Tootsie has sniffed every last bit of scent off of Bip in the car ride home, she avoided Bip as much as possible when we got home. No growling, so I thought we were off to a good, quiet start.

It was minutes after when the growling began. She was near me, laying down, when Tootsie was in near proximity. She growled at her out of nowhere! I told her off with a firm "NO" and she stopped. A second growl happened when Tootsie tried to come near again after an interval of about an hour. Come evening, I gave her Tootsie's ball to chew on and play with so she'd have a bit more fun. I think it only brought out the aggressive side in her for some reason. Our maid suddenly came up to her in a loud voice and she growled and barked at her. When Tootsie tried to get near the ball she originally owned, the growling and barking became nonstop. I tried to tell her off with a firm No and everything I saw on 'Dog Whisperer' (lol, yes, I watch that). But it didn't stop 'till she couldn't see Tootsie anymore. :(

Every now and then she barks out of nowhere, maybe out of frustration for something or somewhere she can't reach as that happens a bit. But all in all, it was a pretty good day. She's not all negative. She is super sweet and loves cuddling and EATING (one trait we both share. And the constant yapping when frustrated). Well, can't complain. At least she's no pushover. We'll see in the next few days if we can handle that big personality. Hoping everything works out!

And that is it for Day One! :D

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